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Maintaining a Narrative

Maintaining a Narrative refers to the telling of a continuous story or account well thatcertainly has been done by those who have tried to justify actions over the last four decades for a lifestyle and a career

It appears searches on property and high profile persons of the1980’s and 1990’s persona over the last number of weeks have ruffled a few feathers It seems this high profile person has had some involvement in the property mentioned despite retiring in 1996 and been dead since 2012 long before the property went on the market with no sale registered to date And the persons grandson is now working for an auctioneering firm that hold the 1960’s sale records of another house which is the correct name and number The former plot of land house now it says sold with incorrect house name house number and land measurement records as per the sale if its plot of land in perches in the1940’s converted in meters

Whereas a consultant with that name had taken a case in 1984 against a hospital established 1901 in Dublin 1 and had surgical attached to its main name under its group name looking for back pay as a consultant against the Department of Health which he won which had been withheld in the early 1980's due to economic conditions That person lived in Kellystown Co KIldare and had consulting rooms in Fitzwilliam  Sq and put an ad in the newspapers 1979 during a postal strike asking for all correspondence be sent to their Kildare home address so two different post codes And there is a person in the Kellystown area with the same surname and a German Christian name living in the same area as of May 2024 which the German meaning is pledge

The consultant wife whom he married in 1966  was German died in 1995 and is buried in Germany not Ireland as per a record put up by the son of another German who came over to Ireland after WW2

The person who died in 2012 was said to have a Phd in Philosophy and was in a medical negligence case 1990 where the judge ruled in him who  had a Phd in Philosophy  and two other GP's favour saying a doctor had to feel safe writing a prescription  Now this person at that point had only just been appointed 1990 a consultant in a hospital in Dublin 7 established 1814  closed in 2013 another name for it a Burg and it dealt with a persons mindset It was within the grounds of Grangegormon As  David Byers Architect said March 2016 when Nemesisone said about E.G White been in and out of Grangegormon and St Lomans @1945-1977 “now you know what happened in her life” Now there was a person a one letter variation of the surname  born 1st quarter 1946 in Roscommon mother's maiden name Gatley  with very similar Christian name initials if signed under a scrawl

The 1901 established hospital closed with two others in 1987 to moved out to Dublin 5 on a site of land once owned by the Guinness family and was a nursing home to one of the three hospitals it subsequently became a court house and is now run by the Irish Nursing Organisation and a nurse who said she knew the person who died 2012 had provided him with a hospital bed for their dying wife however the consultant who married in 1966 in Bremen his wife born in Germany 1940 her father was a film maker died in 1995 in Germany and had prior to her marriage worked in the German embassy in Dublin The consultant then a doctor was working in one of London Hospitals at the time His wife died in 1995 and is buried in Bremen Germany with her family  and her memorial service in 1996 was in a Lutheran church and also buried in the Bremen Cemetery is a person born 1938 died 2005 surname is the German variation of the 1937 doctor's mother's maiden name and it was the original of the name so his mother could have been German. the Christian name again means brave If a person has German roots, it is a way to celebrate where they come from.

Former Garda Chief Superintendents John O’Brien, Michael Finnegan and Michael Staunton in 2013 issued a 33-page rebuttal of the Smithwick Tribunal report.  where they challenged its key finding of collusion by unnamed gardai in the murders of two RUC officers.

The Smithwick Tribunal was established 2005 and its report issued 2013 The critique, carried out by retired det chief Supt John O’Brien, former chief Supt Michael Finnegan and former chief Supt Michael Staunton

The latter a member of the Garda Síochána since 1967, he served initially in Ardee and Drogheda before transferring to the Border in 1975 where he served as a sergeant at Dromad and Hackballscross stations. In 1986 he was appointed inspector and served at Dundalk Station until 1991. During this time he was assigned the duties of Garda liaison officer with the RUC at Newry. From 1993 until 2002 he served as superintendent and district officer at Dundalk where his duties brought him into daily contact with senior officers in the RUC in Newry and Armagh. In 2002 until his retirement in 2005.

A search engine used 10th May and 30th May 2024 was on Nery's Ryan what is her and her lawyers incorrect narrative on this matter to justify a 2005 payment As her lawyer said about the house mentioned in a vested stake it needs to be demolished Ms Ryan senior and junior can accept the outcome of their decisions as Ms Ryan lawyer saw nothing wrong with this demolition she claimed the structure needed to be demolished where her expertise came from not known and the new development over the size of what was in the planning approval based on a basement that did not exist

On 11th May 2025 a search was done on the post Mimi So Mr John Maher Junior  it appears has been making public his stated expertise well Nemesisone has pictures of Mr and Mrs John Maher in the house next door 11th November 2023 and 1st April 2024

Well if the murder acquittal in 1934 had any connection to the person who made that intimidating comment it shows they made their career out of it and their spouse and daughters as they appeared to be claiming a death in June 1932 was the person concerned without establishing their facts as that person was a carpenter and their father a builder

The Mc Hugh’s were in Francis Street Abbey Street 1911 and Church Street 1901 Ennis Co Clare the mc Hugh’s were victualler and  cattle dealers  Another Mc Hugh in 37 Francis  Street was a sergeant in the RIC and came from Roscommon his wife came from Westmeath and they had two children Mary Josephine and Gerald age 11 and 16

The John Kennedy was Parnell Street 1911 and he was a carpenter who made coffins he had a son Martin and Patrick and a daughter Anastasia  He did have a  sister who had a pub across the road and it was said  by someone who went to school with her nieces was an alcoholic  She also said the son Martin Kennedy took over the carpentry business would have been the father of the children she went to school with

However like News of the World why let the truth get in the way of a good story And another person who had that maxim he died April 2023 and his daughter who works for one the top solicitor firms in Ireland said at his eulogy “her father never let the truth get in the way of a good story”

In 1901 census John Kennedy was in Mill St and Corbally Lane and again were carpenters making coffins

Well there appears to be reaction first week in October 2019  to Margaret Bridget Cassen born 2nd quarter 1951 and a Margaret Marcella Cassen died 3rd March 2018 probate taken out 20th June 2018 Those doing the intimidating do not like admitting their fraud for personal career gain Ann Flynn was at the local dart station 2.10pm 10th October with a dog walker also in the same work Ms Kearns through a friend is claiming to be a former TD and another person 8th October claimed to be someone held hostage by the General no record of it

here were also two plots of land the brother and sister had acquired through the land commission in Roscommon one south of Ballinadreen the other south of Boyle The 1933 death occurred in the house south of Ballinadreen However the house south of Boyle Eastersnow it appears was under the name Kennedy and in 1994 a neighbour of Barry White bought a sports car off Barry White and was part of the deal was he would put in a planning application under his name for the house in Eastersnow as that land was acquired from  land commission 60 years earlier. And was the sports car registered to that address As 6weeks after the car was taken out of the sheds where it had been left for 16 years the sheds went up like a tinderbox one night Since after that all the planning applications for the land at Eastersnow land went under an address in Rosses Point. Now 17th October 2022 Nemesisone saw the retired solicitor who had taken the case started 2012 heard 2016 coming against them on a down escalator So did the retired solicitor know about Easter snow and never declared it And how much of the fraud went through the address at Eastersnow  and a person called  Kennedy in Roscommon


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